Arthur Schutt (b. November 21, 1902, Reading, Pennsylvania, USA – d. January 28, 1965, San Francisco, California, USA) accompanied silent films as a teenager, was hired by Paul Specht from a movie palace in 1918, and worked for Specht until 1924. Over his lifetime, he played with Roger Wolfe Kahn, Don Voohees, Fred Rich, Nat Shilkret, Frankie Trumbauer, Bix Beiderbecke, and the Charleston Chasers, Red Nichols, Jimmy and Tommy Dorsey’s orchestra and Benny Goodman. He wrote “Bluin’ the Black Keys,” one of the most difficult piano rags ever componsed.

  • Subgenre: Novelty Ragtime

  • Best known work(s): "Bluin' the Black Keys" (1926)

“Bluin’ the Black Keys”

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